Vertical video vs horizontal video for social media videos

February 10, 2022

Vertical Video Vs Horizontal Video For Social Media Videos

Video content has become an important part of social media marketing. With the rise of social media platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat, the demand for vertical videos has increased. However, horizontal videos have been the traditional format for video content. This raises a question: Which one is better for social media videos?

Horizontal Videos

Horizontal videos have been the industry standard for many years. This format is also known as landscape videos. They are commonly used in films, television shows, and even on YouTube. The aspect ratio of a horizontal video is typically 16:9. This format is good for displaying a wide range of information, featuring multiple people, and also easier to watch on larger screen devices such as desktops, laptops, and televisions.

Horizontal videos are typically used for YouTube content and professional brand videos. According to a study by WyzOwl, 87% of businesses use videos as a marketing tool, and 99% of them use it on YouTube.

Vertical Videos

Vertical videos have recently become popular, especially among millennials and Gen Z, thanks to the rise in popularity of TikTok and Instagram Stories. This format records the video in a vertical aspect ratio that is typically 9:16. Vertical videos are perfect for mobile devices, especially smartphones, and allow for a more immersive experience when created correctly.

One of the advantages of vertical videos is that users will not need to turn their phones sideways to watch the content, and viewers are more likely to watch the whole video. Another advantage is that vertical videos can be more engaging when recorded in a way that takes advantage of the full screen. This makes it easier to capture people's attention and keep them interested.

When to use each format on social media

When it comes to choosing between vertical and horizontal videos for social media, the decision depends entirely on the nature of the content you’re sharing. Here's a summary of each format's strengths and weaknesses.

When to use horizontal videos

  • Professional brand videos: Product demonstrations, promotional videos, storytelling, and tutorials.
  • Educational videos: Learning new skills, long-form content, and interviews.
  • YouTube content: All content types work well on YouTube, with horizontal videos being the traditional format.

When to use vertical videos

  • Social media platforms: TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat.
  • Lifestyle and entertainment videos: Candid and authentic moments, vlogging, and branded content.
  • Short-form content: Pop culture, news, and trending topics.


In conclusion, both horizontal and vertical videos have their advantages and disadvantages. The decision of which one to use mainly depends on the nature of the content you’re sharing. Horizontal videos are usually preferred for professional and educational videos, whereas vertical videos work better for social media and entertainment content. So, why not make use of both formats to increase engagement with your target audience?


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